Trusted across industries

How it works

Scan any vehicle

Scan any vehicle effortlessly with our 360° guided system. Visual AI detects damages istantly-no expertise required. 

Actional reports

After the scan, a detailed vehicle condition report is generated, logged, and accesible in your system. Receive alerts on new damages and more.

Track and monitor

Manage your damages and inspections from your dashboard. Customize functionality and acces for different user groups.


Correct adjudication

Actual vs. planned inspections


Damages detected


Inspections completed

Integrate with any platform

Our solutions works across every platform and integration that your organization may need

A mobile app for iOS and Android, plus a web platform for managing inspections and customizing processes and user roles.

Easily add our features to your existing iOS, Android, or web apps with a quick SDK integration.

For customers with existing image capture systems, our API analyzes uploaded images for potential damage and returns results in real time.

Want to see how it works?

Join teams transforming vehicle inspections with seamless, AI-driven efficiency

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